International Relations

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Talk at the Belgrade Security Forum on “Civil-military Synergies in EU Conflicts Prevention and Peacebuilding – a Task-based Analysis”, 11-13 October, 2017.

Talk “Learning the Lessons from CAF Operations: values, norms and principles for effectiveness on the world stage”, Canadian Department of National Defence, Ethics Program, 28 June, 2017. 

Talk on “Analysis and expectations of the NATO Warsaw Summit”, 62nd General Assembly, NATO Association of Canada, Toronto, October 11-12, 2016. 

Paper presentation on “The comprehensive approach to state-building in comparison: Canada, US, US, and Norway”, at 24th World Congress of Political Science, International Political Science Association (ISPA), Poznan, Poland, 23-29 July, 2016 


the Council for European Studies on 'How the EU Practiced the Security-Development Nexus in Afghanistan: A Critical Reflection', Philadelphia, April 14-16, 2016


the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) on 'The comprehensive approach to post-conflict reconstruction: US and Canada in Afghanistan compared', Chicago, Il., 4-10 April, 2016.

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1.           Zyla, B., Sharing the Burden? NATO and its Second-tier powers (Toronto: Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015).  100.000 words, 25 Tables.

For details see publisher’s website at 

·   among best 100 political books in Canada in 2015 (rank: 70); The Hill Times

· among best 100 political books published in Canada in 2014 (rank: 72); The Hill Times)

2.       Zyla, B. L'unilatéralisme avec le sourire Bilan des relations germano-américaines et perspectives pour 2009, Note du Cerfa 62 (Paris, Brussels: Comité d’études des relations franco-allemandes (Cerfa), 2009). ISBN: 978-2-86592-503-2, 40 pages (not refereed).

(3.)    Zyla, B. A Bridge Not Too Far? Canada and European Security, 1989-2001 (Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada, 2008). [PhD. Thesis].

Edited Volumes

3.           Zyla, B., and Kammel, A. Peacebuilding At Home: NATO in Eastern Europe (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018).

2.           Zyla, B. and Schmidt, P., European Security Policy and Strategic Culture(London, U.K.: Routledge, 2013), 210 pages.

1.           Zyla, B., Ellen Hallams, Luca Ratti (eds.). NATO Beyond 9/11: The Transformation of the Atlantic Alliance (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2013).


Editor Special Series

1.         Zyla, B.   (70%) and Schmidt, P.,  “European  Security  Policy:  Strategic  Culture in Operation?”, Contemporary Security Policy vol. 32, no.3 (2011).


  1. Zyla, B. and Massie, J. Alliance Value and Status Enhancement: Canada's Disproportionate Military Burden Sharing in Afghanistan". Politics & Policy vol. 46, no. 1 (2018), pp. tbd.
  2. Zyla, B. Analytic Eclecticism and Atlantic Burden Sharing: A Reply to Jordan Becker"Journal of International Organizations Studies vol. 8, no. 2 (2017), pp. 73-77.
  3. (lead article) Zyla, B. NATO Burden Sharing: A New Research Agenda"Journal of International Organizations Studies​ vol. 7, no. 2 (2016), pp. 5-22.
  4. Zyla, B. “"Who is keeping the peace and who is free-riding? NATO Middle Powers and Burden Sharing, 1995-2001". International Politics vol. 53, no. 3 (2016), pp. 303-323;  doi: 10.1057/ip.2016.2  
  5. Zyla, B. “Who is free-riding in NATO's peace operations in the 1990s?". International Peacekeeping vol. 23, no. 3 (2016), pp. 416-441. doi:  
  6. (lead article) Zyla, B. “Untying the Knot? Assessing the compatibility of the American and European strategic culture under President Obama”. Innovation: European Journal of Social Science Research vol. 28, no. 2 (2015), pp. 1-23; doi: 10.1080/13511610.2015.1024637
  7. Zyla, B. (50%) & Schofield, J., “The AfPak Campaign and the Limits of Canadian Diplomacy”, Diplomacy & Statecraft vol. 25, no. 3 (2014), pp. 509-528.    
  8. Zyla, B., "Explaining Canada's practices of burden sharing in ISAF through its norm of ’external responsibility'", International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis vol. 68, no. 2, Summer 2013, pp. 289-304.
  9. Kammel, A. & Zyla, B. (70%), “Practising EU Security Governance in the Transatlantic Context: A Fragmentation of Power or  Networked  Hegemony? Journal of Contemporary European Research vol. 9, no. 4 (2013), pp. 440-459.
  10. Kammel, A. & Zyla, B. (70%), “Looking for a ‘Berlin-Plus in reverse’? NATO in search for a new Strategic concept”, Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs vol. 55, no. 4 (2012), pp. 648- 662    
  11. Zyla, B., Deutschlands Schlüsselrolle in den transatlantischen Beziehungen [Germany’s key position in transatlantic relations], Zeitschrift für Außen- und  Sicherheitspolitik (ZfAS)), Heft 5 (2012), pp. 117-135.
  12. Zyla, B. “Overlap or Opposition? EU and NATO’s Strategic (Sub-)Culture”, ContemporarSecurity Policy vol. 32, no.3 (2011), pp. 667-687.
  13. Zyla, B. “AußenpolitischesSelbstverständnis der BRD nach 9/11”, WeltTrends: Zeitschrift fuer Internationale Politik [Journal of International Politics],  Heft  74 (September/October 2010), pp.105-108.
                 - â€‹republished in Azadeh Zamirirad. Deutsche Interessen: Eine außenpolitische
     Debatte (Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2011), pp. 38-41. Available online   at
  14. Zyla, B. “Years of free-riding? Canada, the New NATO, and Collective Crisis Management in Europe, 1989-2001, American Review of Canadian Studies vol.40, no.1 (2010), pp. 22-39. 
  15. Zyla, B. “NATO and post-Cold War burden-sharing: Canada “the laggard?" , International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis vol. 64, no. 2 (2009), pp. 337-359. Impact Factor: 0.294 in International Relations
  16. Zyla, B., “Riding the Asian Tiger? - How the EU Engaged China Since the End of the Cold War,” Current Politics and Economics of Europe vol. 17, no.1 (2008), pp. 83-106. - Republished in Amy Verdun (ed.), The European Union and Asia: What Is There to Learn? (Hauppauge N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers, 2009), pp. 83-106.
  17. Zyla, B., “A Bridge just far enough? - Canada and the transatlantic link today,” London Journal of Canadian Studies, no. 23 (2007), pp. 131- 153.
  18. Zyla, B., “Multilateralism a la carte? - The George W. Bush administration and traditions of US foreign policy,” WeltTrends: Zeitschrift fuer Internationale Politik [Journal of International Politics] vol. 54 (Spring 2007), pp. 113-126.
  19. Zyla, B., “How the E.U. supports the Bush doctrine,” Review of European and Russian Affairs, vol. 2, no. 2 (2006), pp. 5-27.
  20. Zyla, B., “Caught between Venus and Mars: Canadian Earthlings in the transatlantic relationship after Iraq," Critique - A World Wide Journal of Politics (Fall 2006), pp. 147-168.


  1. (forthcoming) Zyla, B. "Human Security". Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations, 2018. 
  2. Zyla, B. (70%), and Kammel, A., “The EU’s role in African security governance”, in Samuel Kale Ewusi and Jean Bosco Butera Beyond State-Building: Confronting Africa's Governance and Socio-economic Challenges in the 21st Century (San Jose, Costa Rica: University for Peace Africa Programme, 2014), pp. 81-98
  3. Zyla, B., Hallams, E; and Ratti, L. “Introduction – A New Paradigm for NATO?” in Zyla, B. (33.3%), Ellen Hallams, Luca Ratti (eds.) The Atlantic Alliance Ten Years After 9/11: Revitalization or Retirement? (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2013), pp. 1-26.
  4. Zyla, B. (50%), Hallams, E; and Ratti, L., “Conclusion – 9/11: A Systemic or Paradigm Shift for NATO?”, in Zyla, B., Ellen Hallams, Luca Ratti (eds.). The Atlantic Alliance Ten Years After 9/11: Revitalization or Retirement? (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2013), pp. 321-331.
  5. Zyla, B. “Overlap or Opposition? EU and NATO’s Strategic (Sub-)Culture”, in Zyla, B. and Schmidt, P. (eds.) National vs. transnational security cultures in Europe: ESDP operations as the test case? (London, U.K.: Routledge, 2013), pp. 184-204 [reprint & slightly revised version of contribution to special issue of Contemporary Security Policy.]
  6. Zyla, B. and Schmidt, P. (70%), “European Security Policy: Strategic Culture in Operation?” in Zyla, B. and Schmidt, P. (eds.) National vs. transnational security cultures in Europe: ESDP operations as the test case? (London, U.K.: Routledge, 2013), pp. 1-10 [reprint & slightly revised introduction of special issue for Contemporary Security Policy.]
  7. Zyla, B., “Canada’s share of burden in Reconstructing Afghanistan” in Nik Hynek and Peter Marton, Statebuilding in Afghanistan: Multinational Contributions to Reconstruction (London, New York: Routledge, 2011), pp. 104-23.
  8. Zyla, B., “Geopolitics”,in George Thomas Kurian, The Encyclopedia of Political Science (Washington: CQ Press, 2011)
  9. Zyla, B. (75%, first-author) and Joel J. Sokolsky, “Canada and the Atlantic Alliance in the post-Cold War era: More NATO than NATO?,” in Nikola Hynek, and David Bosold (eds): Canada’s New Foreign and Security Policy Strategies: Re-Examining Soft and Hard Dimensions of Middlepowerhood (Oxford and Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. 231-250.
  10. Zyla, B. (2009). L'unilatéralisme avec le sourire bilan des relations germano-américaines et perspectives pour 2009. In Louis-Marie Clouet Hans Stark (Ed.), Radioscopies De L’ Allemagne (pp. 173-191). L’Institute français des relations internationals, Paris
  11. Charron, A.; Zyla, B. (45%); Boulden, J., “NATO, the EU and Darfur: Separate but Together,”in Peter Schmidt (ed.) A Hybrid Relationship: Transatlantic Cooperation beyond NATO (Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2007), pp. 147-160.
  12. Zyla, B., “The Balance of Power Theory,” in Rodney P. Carlisle (ed.), Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and Right (Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA., 2005), pp. 541-45.        - The book won the ‘Best of Reference Award’, The New York Public Library, 2006.
  13. Zyla, B., "Understanding American Foreign Policy: U.S. Foreign Policy Traditions and the George W. Bush administration,” in Tomasz Pludowski, (ed.), American Politics, Media, and Elections: Contemporary International Perspectives on US Presidency, Foreign Policy, and Political Communication (Warsaw and Torun: Collegium Civitas Press and Adam Marszalek, 2005), pp. 133-147.
  14. Zyla, B., “NATO Doctrine and Canadian Special Operations,” in David Last and Bernd Horn, Choice of force: Special Operations for Canada (Kingston, Montreal: Queen’s/McGill University Press, 2005), pp. 253-265.